Why did Brian Robinson shoot Mr Paddy McKenna on the Crumlin Road ?
Brian was travelling on a motorbike with a fellow UVF member
Davy McCullough on 2 September 1989 in Belfast 's Crumlin Road close
to the nationalist area of Ardoyne. Brian was the passenger and carried a
gun. Upon seeing Paddy McKenna, a
Catholic man who was walking along the street, Robinson opened fire hitting
McKenna a total of 11 times, killing him.
I ask this question because a few weeks ago many of us in
the Protestant and Unionist community were outraged at the parade commemorating
IRA volunteers in Castlederg. Many of us used our Twitter accounts to express outrage at this
celebration of terrorism. Yet some of
those who were expressing outrage at the IRA celebration of terrorism are now
tweeting about supporting a celebration of the ‘hero’ Brian Robinson this Saturday.
Was Brian really a hero? Do we think it was OK for him shoot
dead Paddy McKenna?
No doubt, someone will tell me that I am naïve and that this
was a war, but if it was a war, how can we call the ‘other side’ murderers?
Can some of those parading in honour of a killer like Brian
Robinson, explain to Unionists like myself how Brian Robinson is any better
than the two IRA men from Castlederg, Seamus Harvey and Gerard McGlynn?